The Warmest hug ever

Created by Abimbola 11 months ago

It was at my NLP 1 class in 2016 that i encountered Rinret. I had just shared a personal Pain experience with the class and had a moment of emotional overwhelm as we entered a session of reflection with Mr Usar…The members of the team came round with comforting words and assurances and i suddenly found myself in the biggest, warmest most comforting embrace ever as she whispered to my ears “You’re not alone, we are here to walk the way with you”. Ive never felt such acceptance, understanding and comfort before and ever since…

Miriam Rinret, you lived and loved and your love showed through all you did, said and stood for. You are heaven’s gain girl and has left an indelible mark on countless lives. Those you knew closely and some of ua who admired and emulated your work from a distance. We can only accept this because it is what it is. Rest in the Lord RiRi.